Summer grew up in (what she believes to be) the greatest place on earth, Southern Utah. She has always loved the gorgeous colors and the friendly atmosphere. Once graduated from high school she made the trek up to northern Utah, pursing her passion in floral design. Summer married the man of her dreams and quickly began her ridiculously cute family. She is now the proud mother of the world’s 2 most adorable children.

Summer has a passion and craving for learning and creating. She was a hobby photographer all through her adolescence. She Spent hours coordinating, shooting and editing photos of family and friends. She chose a different career path, as far as schooling goes, but always held on to her love of documenting her life and the lives of those around her through photos. With a desire to grow and expand talents, Summer decided to, once again focus on photography for the first time in years. It didn't take long for her to wonder why on earth she had ever stopped. She loves being behind the lens. Summer is after more than just pictures. She wants to capture the essence of your relationships and story through art.

Created with Artisteer